Heap Data Structure
PublishedA Heap is a specific kind of Binary Tree called Complete Binary Tree, arranged in a specific order. In this article, I'm gonna tell you what exactly we mean by a "Heap", different kinds of heaps and their applications. What is Heap Data Str...

Richa Kiran

In this article we're gonna talk about the association between two very important components of programming, Data Structures and Algorithms. What are Data Structures? Data Structures can be simply defined as the way of storing data in an organized wa...

Richa Kiran

QuickSort Alogrithm
PublishedIn this article we're gonna see a basic layout of the Quicksort Algorithm and how we can implement it in C language. What is Quicksort Algorithm? It is a simple sorting algorithm that works on Divide and Conquer Strategy. Through this algorithm, we ...

Richa Kiran

Why do we need Data Structures?
PublishedImagine that you've been eyeing a book for sometime and you wanna buy it. You try to look it up on Amazon.com but without a search option. No wonder how tedious it would be to find it without a search option! Exhausted just by the thought of it, you ...

Richa Kiran

Merge Sort
PublishedMerge Sort is a sorting technique based on divide and conquer strategy. It is one of the efficient sorting algorithms as its worst case time complexity is of the order of nlog(n). What is Merge Sort? It is a sorting algorithm that makes use of Divide...

Richa Kiran

Divide and Conquer
PublishedDivide and conquer is just a simple yet complex strategy of solving problems. It basically includes the idea of dividing a problem into sub-problems or smaller problems. We solve each sub-problem one by one until all the sub-problems are solved. This...

Richa Kiran

Insertion Sort
PublishedInsertion sort is a technique of sorting wherein you build a sorted array from an unsorted one by picking wrongly placed elements from the unsorted part of the array and placing them at the correct position in the sorted part. What is insertion sort?...

Richa Kiran

Selection Sort
PublishedIn this article I'm gonna talk about selection sort algorithm and how to implement it in C language. What is Selection Sort? The main idea behind this sorting algorithm is to scan the unsorted part of the array repeatedly to find the smallest element...

Richa Kiran

Bubble Sort
PublishedIn this article I'm gonna talk about Bubble Sort Algorithm. It is one of the simplest Sorting Algorithms there exists for sorting. Let's get started! What is Bubble Sort? Bubble sort is a sorting technique which compares and swaps(if needed) each pai...

Richa Kiran

Sorting Algorithms
PublishedSorting means to arrange a group of things in a specific order. Algorithms that help us sort a group of items are called Sorting Algorithms. In this article I'm gonna give a brief introduction about Sorting Algorithms and its various types that you m...