Hello, my name is Richa. Welcome to my Dev Blog

Just here to share whatever I've learned in Data Structures and Algorithms

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Circular Linked Lists


In this post, I'm gonna be talking about circular linked lists. To learn the basics of a linked lists you can check out my other posts here. So let's get started! So what exactly do we mean by a linked list? A circular linked list is a normal linked ...

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Richa Kiran
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Applications of Linked Lists


In this article, I'm gonna be talking about Applications of linked lists. Now that we've come so far and learned all the basics of a singly linked list, it's only natural to wonder what could be the use of a linked list in the real world. Let's start...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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Deletion in Linked Lists


In this blog I'm gonna be talking about the deletion operations in linked lists. Just like how there are three insertion operations in a linked list, there are three deletion operations. All the three deletion methods are just the reverse of what we ...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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Now that we've learned how the basic operations on a linked list are done let's look at the different types of insertion in a linked list. There are three ways of node insertion in a linked list. The Three Ways of Node Insertion We can insert a node ...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG EVER! and I'm gonna talk about linked list data structure in this blog. Let's first understand some basic things about a Linked List before understanding the code. Let's say this block is called 'Node'. This Node has two segmen...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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