Hello, my name is Richa. Welcome to my Dev Blog

Just here to share whatever I've learned in Data Structures and Algorithms

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Arrays in Java


While coding in Java, you'll come across many instances where you might want to store your data in an array. Array is a linear data structure, either single or multidimensional. It stores the data items based on an index value. What Exactly is an Ar...

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Richa Kiran

Over the course of a month, I had the privilege of immersing myself in the world of web development. Through countless lines of code and countless cups of coffee, I witnessed the evolution of my skills and the growth of my confidence in the web devel...

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Richa Kiran
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Typedef in C


In C, we have an option to set any other name for a specific data type. For doing that we use a keyword called "typedef". In this article, I'll be explaining how typedef works and how you can use it in your own code. Example Suppose you hav...

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Richa Kiran
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Structures in C


While coding in C, you will come across many data types like - char, int, float, double, void, and so on... These data types are called basic data types. There's another group of data types in c called - derived data types. These data types are deriv...

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Richa Kiran
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Lists in Python


List is a data structure used in Python. It is similar to the concept of arrays but unlike arrays they're more flexible about the type of data that is being stored in them. It is very easy to work with lists as their implementation and operations are...

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Richa Kiran
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Insertion in Heap Data Structure


The process of insertion in a Heap is not as easy as it is in a normal binary tree. In a normal binary tree, you can simply insert an element at the first empty spot you find. But, in a heap(which is a complete binary tree following a specific order ...

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Richa Kiran
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Heap Data Structure using Arrays


A heap is a Complete Binary Tree in which elements are arranged in a specific order depending the type of Heap that we're trying to implement. It can be either the first element(root node) being the smallest followed by bigger elements in the followi...

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Richa Kiran
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Max Heap


A Max Heap is a Complete Binary Tree containing the largest value in the root node followed by smaller and smaller values in each succeeding layer. The last layer contains the smallest set of values of all the values. It looks something like this - ...

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Richa Kiran
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Min Heap Algorithm


A heap is a Complete Binary Tree having its nodes or elements in an ordered way. Based on this order, we define two types of Heap data structures - Min Heaps and Max Heaps. In this tutorial, we're gonna see how you can call "Heapify" on a c...

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Richa Kiran
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Complete Binary Trees


In this post, I'm gonna share some basic knowledge about a concept of data structures called "Complete Binary Trees". We're just gonna build upon the concept of Binary trees here. So if you don't know what binary trees are you can check out...

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Richa Kiran
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