Hello, my name is Richa. Welcome to my Dev Blog

Just here to share whatever I've learned in Data Structures and Algorithms

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Searching in Binary Search Tree


In this post, I'm gonna be talking about how we can search for an element in a Binary Search Tree. It is very easy to search for an element in a Binary Search Tree, easier than even in an array. All you have to do is compare the element's value with ...

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Richa Kiran
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Binary Tree Traversal Methods


In this article I'm gonna talk about the ways of traversal we can perform on Binary Trees. A node of a binary tree primarily consists of three components - it's own data (D) It's left child (L) It's right child (R) Consider a node to be the most b...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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Insertion in a Binary Search Tree


A Binary Search Tree is a Tree in which each node has not more than two child nodes, and each of the child nodes are inserted in the tree based on a certain rule - the left child should have value less than the parent node and the right child should ...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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Binary Tree Structure in C


Binary trees are a type of Tree data structure wherein each node has at-most 2 child nodes. We've already discussed about Tree data structure. So, in this article we're gonna talk about the implementation of Binary Trees in C. This is how a Binary T...

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Richa Kiran
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A Tree is a non linear data structure. Unlike the data structures that we've learned so far like - Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, etc. In this type of data structure, one element can be linked to more than one element. Tree data structure, just like t...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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Abstract Data Types


Till now we've come across many different types of data structures. In this article I'm gonna be talking about a concept called Abstract Data Type. Primitive Data Types But before getting started with that, let's first talk about what we exactly mean...

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Richa Kiran
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Doubly Linked Lists


Till now we've talked about linked lists and the basic operations associated with it. But today we're gonna talk about linked lists only, but with a slight variation. In a linked list, traversal can be done one way(a node only had "next" co...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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A queue is a linear data structure which follows FIFO principle in deletion and insertion operations. In real sense queue is just a sequence of objects(people, vehicles, etc.) waiting for their turn to come. For instance, it could be a queue of peopl...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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Stacks using linked lists


In this article, we're gonna talk about stack implementation using linked lists. In my past few posts I've already talked about Linked list implementation and stacks. If you're not yet clear with those concepts, please check out the above links! So l...

algonoob avatar
Richa Kiran
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A stack is a linear data structure in which operations can be done in a specific order. Stacks follow the LIFO (Last In First Out) Principle. I'm sure you might've heard of a stack of different things like a stack of papers or a stack of books. The s...

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Richa Kiran
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